Consumer Technology

The Consumer Technology market is a constantly evolving industry that is heavily driven by constant innvoation and the asspiration to introduce the next big thing. While many companies may have superior tech, we see companies struggle due to lack of product awareness, proper audience understanding, brand differentiation, and simplicifcation of the their value prop.

We undertsand this highly competitive landscape and our consumer technology marketing team is well versed in navigating the nuances of the evolving technology landscape, ever expanding market competition, and expansive consumer expectations. Our clients win when they are able to easily present a solution to an audience with a growing need or desire. This go to market alignment has led to completely selling out a new product in just 90 days ($9.2m inventory in less than 90 days to be exact) - our team is here to help!

Consumer Technology
- Influencer & Social Marketing
- DTC Experience Management (Website, Amazon, Target, etc.)
- Affiliate Marketing
- SEO Ecommerce
- Dynamic Incentives based on ML Predicted LTV
- Community Management & Reviews
- Brand Loyalty Management
- Predictive Seasonal Budget Analysis
- AI Customer Support Automation